Quote of the Month:
"After only the first class I can see how well the entire Animation Mentor school was planned out...just like a good animation needs to be. The order and way in which we are taught how to animate just makes sense, and is so much fun at the same time."
Sheldon Kruger
Animation Mentor Student
This month we have three articles about video game animation! It is the Games Triple Play month. Check out the three cool articles below to learn about the Game Developers Conference, tips on how to create a game animator's demo reel and an article on animating for video games!
So you want to apply to a game studio but you’re wondering, “What exactly do I need to put on my demo reel?” Is it different from film? Well, yes and no. Games do present some different requirements to an animator than what might be experienced in film. However, when it comes to putting together a demo reel, the game industry is not that different from the film industry. The bottom line: reviewers still want to see solid animation.
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The venerable art of animating still images has existed in some form or another since the 1800s. Today, however, new evolutionary offshoots of the artform make the industry more diverse than ever. Video Games in particular, offer a variety of opportunities and restrictions not found in previous forms of animation.
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 Animation Mentor staff will be at the Game Developers Conference which is being held from February 18th to the 22nd at the San Francisco Moscone Center this year.
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Check out this month's short film:
The Park by Animation Mentor alumnus, Roger Gimenez. Get in depth and find out Roger's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.
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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?
Jason Schleifer:
For me it's like this thing...I don't know...like when I watch something move and it just moves beautifully it just feels right. It hits me right in the heart, you know? That's probably why I like animating. I love the idea that we can tell any story and get any mood across.
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Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students themselves. We let students create whatever they want - revealing themselves by sharing video, text and anything else they feel is appropriate.
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Ok, there's some big news in Tips-and-Tricks-Land! I had so much fun answering your questions directly in last month's "lightning round" series of questions, that I'd like to keep that idea rolling! I got some great feedback and some fun new questions in the email from you guys this month, and I'd really love to experiment with staying in the "Q&A" type of format for a bit.
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Did you know that both Industrial, Light & Magic and Tippett Studios worked on the upcoming Spiderwick Chronicles?
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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to U.S. movie and game releases and the visual effect companies who made movie magic.
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