Quote of the Month:
"I've always lived in Italy and never had a job in the animation field. I'm now living in Glasgow, Scotland and I've been working for the last 2 months at Glasgow Animation. I couldn’t have done it without Animation Mentor! A big, big thank you to all the staff at Animation Mentor and a super-special thank you to Bobby, Shawn and Carlos!"
Patrick Corrieri     
Glasgow Animation / Animator    
Animation Mentor Graduate    

When you decided to become an animator, it was because you had to express yourself. And if you’re reading this, you want to express yourself through story. 
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Check out this month's short film:
Miss Clover by Animation Mentor alumnus, Lluís Llobera. Get in depth and find out Lluís' train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.

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Putting The Pieces Together
Few careers afford a person as many choices as to how to employ their craft as animation does. Lawyers, for instance, cannot argue from their comfy living rooms and expect to win cases. Stock brokers are shackled to the schedule of the exchange. Even doctors don't make house calls anymore. But with animation, you can do the 9-6 if you want, and stay steadily employed.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?

Dana Boadway :
I was in acting school (Ryerson University in Toronto), and I saw Toy Story in the theater.  I walked out of there with my jaw on the floor thinking, “that… is the BEST… acting gig… EVER!!” 

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to learn animation?

Benjamin De Schrijver:
For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve loved computer games. Even when I was 6 or 7 I was playing (or watching my brother playing) games like Prince of Persia and Wolfenstein3D. I really grew up with them, so when I saw an ad for software to create your own games when I was around 13, I was naturally attracted to it.

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We have a problem in this industry. It's been a problem for years, especially (for some reason) among students. It isn't going away, and frankly, I think it hurts countless animation students.


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Did you know that a character like Davy Jones on Pirates of the Caribbean 3 takes team work?

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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to US movie releases and the visual
effect companies who made movie magic.

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