Quote of the Month:
"I've got a job at Glasgow Animation! THANK YOU! I have the feeling that without Animation Mentor I would not be able to get such a great opportunity to grow as an artist and person. Animation Mentor changed my life in a way that I had never expected before joining. The effort that all you guys put in the school is something just out of this planet."
David Martinez     
Glasgow Animation / Junior Character Animator    
Animation Mentor Graduate    

The challenges of SPIDER-MAN 3 were akin to making sand flow uphill. Literally.

Thanks to a close encounter with a particle accelerator, petty thug Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church) is transformed into a living, sentient dune called Sandman. That's not easy for him - but it was tough as hell for the FX team at Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI). 

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Check out this month's short film:
Arrogant Express by Animation Mentor alumnus, Jeff Kim. Get in depth and find out Jeff's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.

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Putting The Pieces Together
Part II: The Big Studio Life

Almost every single animation student I've met has disclosed to me their intentions of working at one of the largest studios in the industry: Pixar, ILM, Sony, Dreamworks, R&H, Weta, Animal Logic, Digital Domain, and Blue Sky. There are a few more in the world, but the fact that these few places are the main goal of nearly every student of animation should be alarming. Not only because competition is so tough for potential applicants, but just as striking is the lack of outside knowledge as to what animating at a large studio is like.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?

Nick Bruno:
It’s really hard to say that ONE thing has inspired me to be an animator. I think it began with my parent’s refrigerator.  As a kid I liked to draw and whenever I drew something fun or funny my parents put it on the fridge for everyone to look at and hopefully enjoy.  This spawned a love for making people laugh and the need for attention. 

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to learn animation?

Alexiss Memmott :
Early on I was interested in animation because I had a great love of art and of being funny (or at least trying to be!) and cartoons were a great outlet to do that. When I was in elementary school I saved up my money to buy a book on animation by Preston Blair and worked my little butt off to try and copy what he had done.

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Blink For A Reason!
That's it. It's pretty simple really. Just like with every single conceivable aspect of your animation, you don't do ANYTHING without a reason.

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Did you know that to gather reference for Pixar's Ratatouille, producers and artists ate at famous Parisian restaurants and toured their kitchens?

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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to US movie releases and the visual
effect companies who made movie magic.

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