Quote of the Month:
"I am absolutely blown away at the quality of education that I have received at Animation Mentor. It has exceeded my expectations a thousand times over. I just finished my 2nd quarter here and for the first time in my life I am actually confident that I will not only be able to break into the high-end animation industry, but also have the skills that I need to really make a name for myself. Animation Mentor is without a doubt the finest animation school on earth and blows all the other competition out of the water."
Paul Sewell     
Animation Mentor Student    

This is the 34th year of the annual SIGGRAPH International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, and Animation Mentor will be there! Booth # 1837! Check out and download Animation Mentor's Events Schedule.

(full article)

Check out this month's short film:
The Fix by Animation Mentor alumnus, Mike Safianoff. Get in depth and find out Mike's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.

(full article)

Do It With Style
I dare say that individual style can be your break into the industry. From an employer's perspective, seeing a distinct individuality to a demo reel is a breath of fresh air. It demonstrates a certain above-and-beyondness to the animator's training - unique choices punctuated by fine details. That a candidate demonstrates a working knowledge of current styles is paramount to being a hire-able artist; but developing one's own distinguishes you as an innovator, a problem solver, and a confident actor.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?

Elliot Bour:
When I was a kid, my parents took me to see Disney's Pinocchio when it was re-released in theaters and I fell in love with it. Ever since then, I've been obsessed with animation.

(full article)

Animation Mentor:
How has your experience at Animation Mentor been so far?

Raquel Rosa:
I was expecting Animation Mentor to be awesome based on all I’ve researched but soon after I joined the program I found out that it was even better, easily beating my expectations. Animation Mentor not only teaches us all about animation but also provides the opportunity to interact with real world professionals.

(full article)

Tip #20: Mute Your Characters Until You're Truly Ready To Let Them Speak
I understand completely why so many beginning animators jump right into dialogue tests. They're fun! They're funny!! The allure of the dialogue test is almost irresistible to anyone who's learned how to save a keyframe.

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Did you know that for The Simpsons Movie, animators tried many new techniques not used in the TV show?

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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to US movie releases and the visual
effect companies who made movie magic.

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