Quote of the Month:
"I just finished my 2nd quarter here and for the first time in my life I am actually confident that I will not only be able to break into the high-end animation industry, but also have the skills that I need to really make a name for myself."
Paul Sewell    
Animation Mentor Student    

AnimationMentor.com: Student Showcase Fall 2007
Welcome to the 3rd installment of our Student Showcase Reel to date. We here at Animation Mentor feel so proud of the work that has gone into this reel. 100% student created, 100% solo efforts. Each one of these shots was created by one student alone, though the shots could not have been completed without the support of our incredible student body and the leading industry animators that mentor their work.

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The 11 Second Club is a monthly character animation competition. Every month, members animate a character speaking a line of dialogue provided by the club. Lots of members post their work in progress for critique on the forums, and at the end of the month, everyone votes for the best entry. The idea is to give animators a chance to practice their skills in a fun, challenging environment.

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Check out this month's short film:
The Briefcase by Animation Mentor alumnus, Jimmy Almeida. Get in depth and find out Jimmy's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.

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Using a Two-Medium Approach
When studying Character Animation, one typically spends only a fraction of the time learning the actual material; the majority of a student's effort is spent defining, creating, and refining a work-flow. Students start piecing together a method by emulating the lectures and classmates. Later, as they complete more work, and encounter diverse animation challenges, personal preferences begin to pervade the standard work-flow. In the end, give twenty different animators the same shot, and you can bet to witness twenty different ways to tackle it.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?

Dave Burgess:
It's funny, but as much as I loved the Warner Bros/Disney cartoons when I was growing up, I never thought of becoming an animator. I wanted to draw comics!

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Animation Mentor:
How was your experience at Animation Mentor?

Megan Hobby :
Animation Mentor has been the best educational experience I've ever had. Since the first day of class I've been shocked at the amount of information that's available and taught.

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This month's "Tips and Tricks" is being replaced by a tribute to Shawn in honor of his marriage last month. Congratulations Shawn!

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Did you know that Valve's Team Fortress 2 (part of the Orange Box) has been in development for nearly 10 years?

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Because there is a shortage of animation related movies coming out this month, we have decided to cover some exciting new game releases instead.  Enjoy!

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