Quote of the Month:
"I am super thrilled to announce I just landed a job with Artificial Mind & Movement Studios in Montreal, QC!! I can't thank you guys enough for creating Animation Mentor and I think the entire animation world owes you a huge noogie for being instrumental in raising the level of talent now growing around the world. I'm happier than I've been in months and I owe it all to you guys. Thanks a ton!"
Ryan Pickering     
Artificial Mind & Movement Studios / Animator    
Animation Mentor Graduate    

Next month will mark the 34th year of the annual SIGGRAPH International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, and Animation Mentor will be there! Booth # 1837!

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In honor of Comic-Con, we have spoken with two of the authors who will be there and have highlighted their work in this issue.

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Our Scottish CFO Dave Seltzer had the good fortune to return to his homeland recently, where he stopped in for a visit to Glasgow Animation. Owned by the husband and wife team of Sacha and Tessa Hartmann, this small boutique studio employs about 25 people, 5 of which are Animation Mentor students and graduates!

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Check out this month's short film:
Milky Eye by Animation Mentor alumnus, Konrad Krusezewski. Get in depth and find out Konrad's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.

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Putting The Pieces Together
Final Part III: Starting A Studio

I dare say while very risky, starting a studio has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done. Besides marrying my wife. It is because I have set a goal for myself that is teetering above my head like a carrot on a stick that makes going to the office an incredible experience every day. Booting up the machines, making some coffee, and sitting down to work is like a dream come true.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?

Sean Sexton :
Since I was five years old I wanted to be an animator (or a Ninja), but it wasn’t until Don Bluth’s animated video game Dragon's Lair, that I was positive.

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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to learn animation?

Ziv Ariely:
I have loved animation ever since I can remember. I have always been amazed by the way that someone can take a spiritless object such as a CG dummy or a drawing on a piece of paper, and give it a life and a personality. 

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*Tip #19: STYLE FIRST!
What I mean by that is that the style of the project is paramount in importance - beyond any animation principles or specific animation techniques.

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Did you know that for Transformers, ILM created robot models with thousands of moving parts which could transform from robot mode to car mode without changing the implied mass of the model?

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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to US movie releases and the visual
effect companies who made movie magic.

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