Quote of the Month:
"In my opinion, this school is an industry standard if you want to enter this field. I'm confident to say that Animation Mentor students will play big roles in all the major studios in the near future."
Chris Clyde
Animation Mentor Student
Recap of the Year in Animation
Like illustrations on zoetropes of old, the months whiz past, blurring together into the dynamic whole we call a year. Unlike these ancient animators' tools, however, these cycles remain distinctly different; each representing a unique amalgam of accomplishments and memories. When viewed through the lens of the animation industry, 2007 appears as an amazingly complex moving picture.
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Check out this month's short film:
Personal Space by Animation Mentor alumnus, Valerie Morrison. Get in depth and find out Valerie's train of thought as she discusses her short film from conception to completion.
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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?
Keith Sintay:
I have always loved to draw, and when I was young, I saw some rough pencil tests on television- I think it was Raggedy Ann and Andy by Richard Williams.
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Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students themselves. We let students create whatever they want – revealing themselves by sharing video, text and anything else they feel is appropriate.
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"It took me years to figure out the right way to storyboard - both the art of it and the business. It just doesn't have to be that hard. I wanted to help artists get into this profession quickly and successfully. This book is what I wished I had when I got started." - Author, Mark Simon
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Here we are at the two year mark, and frankly, I'm just so excited to see that this newsletter is not only still going strong, but it's growing each month! As someone who holds Animation Mentor very dear (duh!), I can't tell you how cool it is to see that it continues to grow and touch people. So, before I jump into it, thanks for sticking with us, and on a personal note, thanks for hanging out with me in my little corner of the newsletter each month!
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Did you know Tippett Studio worked on the Godzilla-sized monster for J.J. Abram's secret project Cloverfield releasing this month?
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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to U.S. movie and game releases and the visual effect companies who made movie magic.
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