Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to learn animation?

Megan Hobby:
I was nine years old when my grandparents bought a backstage pass for me at Disney's MGM studios in Buena Vista. During the tour of the studio we walked by this one room where the door was cracked open. I was able to peek in and saw about 10 artists sitting around one model on a stage who was wearing a war outfit (later I found out this was for the upcoming movie Mulan). They were all furiously sketching and looked like they were enjoying themselves while at work! This was by far the coolest thing I had ever seen and I was hooked on animation from that point.

Animation Mentor:
How was your experience at Animation Mentor?

Megan Hobby:
Animation Mentor has been the best educational experience I've ever had. Since the first day of class I've been shocked at the amount of information that's available and taught. Every week I've taken pages of notes that I consider to be golden. I've always been blown away at how much the Animation Mentor staff listens to the students' and mentors' voices so that the school continues to develop in favor of everyone who is a part of the community. And the community, as a whole, is positive from day to day which helps keep me motivated daily.

Animation Mentor:
What's one of the most important and/or interesting lessons you've learned while at Animation Mentor?

Megan Hobby:
Besides the incredible amount of information I've learned technically and artistically, the one thing that's always pushed is attitude. Every mentor I've had has stressed that etiquette is extremely important when going in for an interview, approaching a studio's bench at SIGGRAPH, or even how you conduct yourself once you land the job at a studio. The Animation Mentor staff, mentors, and students have been excellent examples for me since they're constantly in good spirits, willing to help, and their passion for what they do is contagious.

Animation Mentor:
What would be your ultimate dream job?

Megan Hobby:
Any place where I could help create a film or game that would affect audiences emotionally would be a dream job for me. It's a very thrilling and gratifying experience to sit in a room where people are watching your work and be able to hear their reactions throughout the show.

Animation Mentor:
Who is your favorite animator?

Megan Hobby:
Glen Keane and Andreas Deja continuously inspire me. Every time I see or hear them in an interview, even though they're already amazing animators, they're always talking about learning more.

Animation Mentor:
What is your favorite animated/CG scene of all time?

Megan Hobby:
There are so many! One scene that makes me get up and dance is in Disney's Oliver & Company where Dodger is dancing on the cars. An inspiring scene for me is from Disney's Treasure Planet where Silver tells Hawkings to follow his dreams no matter what happens. The funniest scene I've ever watched was from Dreamwork's Over the Hedge where Hammy gulps an energy drink and time nearly stops...I laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next day!

Animation Mentor:
Anything else you want to say to your fellow and prospective students of Animation Mentor?

Megan Hobby:
I'd like to tell everyone that hard work does pay off! There might be a few times where you feel like you're not making progress or that you're in a rut, but as long as you stick to your guns and concentrate on your work, you can really surprise yourself with an awesome animation. Just keep in mind that animation is more of a dream than a job, and not everyone can say they enjoy what they do for a living...but animators can!