Quote of the Month:
"I went with no experience and little knowledge of animating before starting AnimationMentor.com, to Bardel Entertainment working on Saturday morning cartoons! Get married...check. Have kids...check. Become character animator and fulfill my childhood dreams…check. Shweeeeet."
Dustin Warnock
Animation Mentor Student
Three Students, Three Countries, One Feature
Last year, three animation students from three different countries set foot into AnimationMentor.com. It took only a couple of weeks on the virtual campus and we had already become good friends. Little more than a year later, we're working together on our first animated feature at Ambient Entertainment.
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Animation Mentor in the world!
Over the past couple of months Animation Mentor has been out in the world discussing animation and making its mark! Co-founder Shawn Kelly and mentor Charles Alleneck gave a presentation at the ADAPT Conference in Montreal, mentor Mike Belzer gave a talk at the Creanimax Conference 2007 located in Guadelajara, Mexico, and European students had a gathering in London that was quite a success.
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Check out this month's short film:
Feed Milton by Animation Mentor alumnus, Matt Wessel. Get in depth and find out Matt's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.
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11 SECOND CLUB'S OCTOBER WINNER AND eCRITIQUE® Congratulations to Bruno Celegão Monteiro, winner of the 11 Second Club October Competition! As an added bonus to winning October's competition Victor Navone (AnimationMentor.com Mentor, Pixar Animator) recorded an eCritique of Bruno's winning piece. Click to check out the eCritique and to learn more about this vital AnimationMentor.com teaching tool.
In the future, check out the links to the right for future 11 Second Club winners and the link to the eCritique!
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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?
Chris Chua:
Well, for as long as I can remember, I have always loved animated films. I would watch all the old classic Disney films like Pinocchio, Jungle Book, and 101 Dalmatians over and over again.
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This month and moving forward Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students themselves. We let students create whatever they want – revealing themselves by sharing video, text and anything else they feel is appropriate.
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Today's topic was suggested by Avner Engel, who emailed to ask a really great question. Basically, he's wondering how you know when you stop working on a shot, call it done, and move on to the next one. It's a tough question, and one I've heard pretty often when talking to students, so I figured it'd be a good one to tackle!
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Did you know the estimated budget for "The Golden Compass" is 50% of the entire budget of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?
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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to U.S. movie and game releases and the visual effect companies who made movie magic.
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