Quote of the Month:
"At first I thought because it was an online school you would lose some of that classroom community you get at a college campus but wow, was I wrong. I can argue now, having seen Animation Mentor's community, that it's actually more interactive and engaging than a tangible classroom could ever be. I was absolutely blown away by how intuitive the site and all of its features were in making our student lives that much easier."
Nathan Engelhardt
Animation Mentor Student
What Is An Animation Pipeline?
Few like to think of animation as a product to be processed like oil or an automobile. But given the amount of work required to animate a feature film, a good workflow is essential to keep the process moving and ensure that the end result is of high quality.
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Check out this month's short film:
Bye-Bye by Animation Mentor alumnus, Mario Pochat. Get in depth and find out Mario's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.
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Your Short As Your Demo
If you are an Animation Mentor student, you are probably looking forward to making a short film. Actually I haven't met an animator yet who doesn't have a script under their pillow, or at least an idea! As animators we are almost 5-10 second filmmakers - each shot we create has, in addition to staging and framing, full character performances that must come entirely out of our minds, as we get nothing for free in this medium.
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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?
Gini Santos :
Although I grew up watching animation as a kid, and I watched a lot of the Disney classics that came out in the theatres, becoming an animator didn’t cross my mind until much later in life.
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Animation Mentor:
How was your experience at Animation Mentor?
Llorens Borras:
It has been an incredible experience. I've learned a lot from my mentors and companions (and I still have much to learn from them...). I've made some good friends with whom I'd love to work with some day, who knows.
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Tip #21: Reversals
Last month was all about muting your character. Remember that? If you don't know this principle or that principle, then you aren't ready to animate acting tests yet? Well, you might remember that one of those principles was called "reversals."
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Did you know that character models in the PS3 game “Heavenly Sword” can have over 5 million polygons and are rendered at 60 fps in 1080p?
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Because there is a shortage of animation related movies coming out this month, we have decided to cover some exciting new game releases instead. Enjoy!
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