Most animators are driven to get into the business by their love of great animation, whether it's a Walt Disney classic or the latest smash hit from DreamWorks. But it's rare for new animators to start working for the prestigious studios that make those movies right out of school. Thankfully, the animation landscape is expanding quickly, with the number of studios doing high quality work that needs top talent growing even more quickly.
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Be sure to visit our booth and check out all the events that we're sponsoring at SIGGRAPH 2008. Conference highlights include a tribute to Frank and Ollie, insider secrets for landing a job in the animation industry, and a career symposium on facial animation with Shawn Kelly and Carlos Baena. In addition, there will be special edition giveaways, mystery mentor drawings — a 30–minute one–on–one session with one of Animation Mentor's top mentors — and much more!
Visit: http://www.AnimationMentor.com/Siggraph
Animation Mentor held several events at the end of June, bringing together students, alumni and mentors from around the world to meet, many for the first time.
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Check out this month's short film:
Crash by Animation Mentor alumnus, Jure Prek. Get in depth and find out Jure's train of thought as he discusses his short film from conception to completion.
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Animation Mentor:
What inspired you to become an animator?
Dimos Vrysellas:
I knew exactly what I was going to do by the age of 9. I don't know exactly how I knew it; I just felt it was what I was supposed to do. Inspiration came easy to me. I spent more time drawing than reading or doing actual homework for school and more time pretending to be cartoon characters than super-heroes or soldiers and all the typical little boy stuff.
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Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students themselves. We let students create whatever they want - revealing themselves by sharing video, text and anything else they feel is appropriate.
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The good people at Animation Mentor have graciously allowed me to shamelessly plug my new book in this newsletter, and I am only too happy to oblige. Character Animation Crash Course! is the book you need for all your animation instruction and inspiration. Buy it now.
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Hello from the other side of the planet!
As I write this, I'm in Singapore for six weeks to help train some animation apprentices and am having the time of my life. What's more fun than visiting an exotic location, meeting new friends, reuniting with old friends, and getting to talk about animation all day?!
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Did you know Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D is the first wide-release film to be released exclusively in the "Real D Cinema" format?
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The Animation Mentor Newsletter is your inside guide to U.S. movie and game releases and the visual effect companies who made movie magic.
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