What Inspires Animation Mentor Graduates to Animate?

What inspires an animator to take pen —– or mouse — in hand and, pose by pose, breathe life into inanimate drawings, clay models or bits of digital geometry? We might expect the answer to be classic animated films, and that is always true in part. Animators, however, often draw their motivation from broader sources which we learned after talking with four recent Animation Mentor graduates.

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Game Developers Conference 2012 and Winter Graduation

See what's going on at Animation Mentor!

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Chang-Pei Wu Showcase Testimonial

This month, Animation Mentor alumnus Chang-Pei Wu breaks down her showcase shot. She explains that she wanted to bring to life a scene involving a parent talking to a child.

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Tips & Tricks with Peter Kelly

Industrial Light & Magic’s Lead Animator Peter Kelly delves into the topic of exaggeration in animation. In order to really sell a scene, Kelly advises animators to push their comfort zone and create one pose that is more exaggerated than you’d normally create.

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