Featured Mentor: Doug Dooley
Who would you consider your mentor to be in animation?

Unfortunately, I've never been in a situation where just one person mentored me. I've learned so many great things about animation from so many sources that I could never just name one. Many aren't even animators.

What was your journey in becoming an animator?

I never thought being an animator as a very practical goal in life when I was young, so I never considered it very seriously. I did spend a year at art school to try to become a car designer though, but I soon became pretty disillusioned with that field. I had done a few animations on some computer paint programs by that time, and became so enthralled in them, then I decided maybe that would be something I should do for a living.

I heard of a Computer undergraduate program for Computer Graphics at a school in Florida that was suppose to be good (actually it turned out to be the only Computer Graphics Undergraduate program at the time). I didn't even know computer animation meant the 3D kind. Jurassic Park hadn't come out yet, and I didn't quite know what I was getting into. Of course I soon found out what it was, and have become pretty obsessed with it ever since.

I guess the thing that really hooked me, was in my first animation I did, I had a character blink and look both ways. I felt like I had just created something real and alive! I don't think I'll ever forget that moment.

What inspired you to become a mentor?

Well it started out with Bobby, Carlos and Shawn. I would have been glad to help them out with whatever they were doing. Then after hearing them talk about it, they're enthusiasm started to be contagious. I had always thought about how much I'd like to pass on all the information I have learned, and I thought this would be a great opportunity.

Then I was really blown away though, when they showed the site to me and I saw how much further they were taking it than I would have imagined they could. When I started to hear who was lecturing and who was involved, it really was an exciting thing to be a part of.

The best part though, has been how it has helped me as an animator. It's helped me more clearly understand some of the many things I've been taught. It's also very rewarding seeing how fast the students are learning.

From your experience, what advice would you give to an aspiring animator regarding what NOT to spend his/her time or money on in his/her pursuit in becoming an animator?

Well, I tend to think everything can enrich you as an animator, especially if you look for all the ways you can apply the knowledge. I think if you're looking for the most efficient way to learn animation though, AnimationMentor is the best.

Who is your favorite animated character?

I don't have favorite characters, just favorite animations. I think the introduction animation of King Louis in the Jungle Book is one of the most amazing animations I've ever seen. I find much of the nine old men animation very inspiring though.

Who is your favorite character that you've animated and why?

I don't know if I have a favorite. I just know that I miss the characters after I'm done animating them.