Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students.  We let students create whatever they want – revealing themselves by sharing video, text, and anything else they feel is appropriate.  If you are currently an Animation Mentor student and you’d like to participate, send an email to newsletter (at) and we’ll do our best to fit you in!

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out the Student Spotlight Section! I thought I would take the time to share with you guys a little bit about myself and my experiences so far at Animation Mentor. This movie was made when I was in Class 2…


Tell us a little about yourself.

I'm 21 and currently live in Minnesota. I enjoy camping and take road trips whenever the opportunities come along! Big adventures are what I am looking for in life, and Animation Mentor has definitely been an awesome one!

Before joining Animation Mentor, I attended Normandale College to explore and study the fine arts. I was truly glad I did; what I learned there about the traditional arts has helped me immensely with my studies in animation.

I have one sister whom I love dearly and two amazing and completely supportive parents.

I'm a very passionate and devoted person and know that all the hard work will pay off in the end! And besides, who doesn't want to get paid to play all day long and meet other amazingly talented people!


What has it been like attending an online school?

Simply extraordinary!

When I first heard about Animation Mentor back in 2005, my idea of an online school was very different from what it is now. Having known people who had taken courses online I originally thought it would be very disconnected – difficult to learn and almost impossible to get help on assignments.

Animation Mentor is, I would have to say, a unique online experience and has proven all my previous doubts to be inaccurate. The community here is more incredible then I expected and the friends I have gained will absolutely be lifelong friendships.

Question & Answer sessions with our mentors are some of the many things that make Animation Mentor stand out. There is nothing better than going right to the source of information and inspiration about animation. They know what is currently happening in the field and can help guide you by not only teaching you about the art form and the technical skills, but about networking and the inter-workings of a studio as well.

Animation Mentor listens to their students needs and continues to improve their curriculum as well as the site on a daily basis, which is another one of its great strengths.


Besides animation what else interests you?

I find it important to not let animation become your complete world and to try and discover other hobbies and interests to fill your day! This was a major lesson I learned while at Animation Mentor, because as animators we draw our inspiration from our lives and the life that goes on around us. So you must go out and experience anything and everything!

I take pleasure in the typical hobbies like hanging out with friends and seeing a good flick every now and then. One of my much loved relaxing things to do when I am not animating is photography. (Below is a photograph series of my father's hands). There is just something special about seeing the world through an animators' eyes and then seeing it through the lens of a camera.


Do you have any advice for prospective and fellow students?

Fellow students: First of all, I can't wait to see everyone that will be at the BBQ – I'll be attending! All of you work so hard on your assignments and you are constant sources of motivation and encouragement. My only advice is to keep doing what you're doing. I would be honored to one day work with any of you guys!

Prospective students: Becoming an animator is a hard and long road, but if you have the passion and the drive, it will be one remarkable experience. Whether Animation Mentor is right for you or not…fulfilling your dream is completely achievable.

Happy animating!

*I love meeting new people so please feel free to contact me:
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