Sony Pictures Digital Productions, Animation Mentor Put New Twist on Old Tradition

Animation Mentor and Sony Pictures Digital Productions professional education program (IPAX) have put a new twist on old traditions with a state-of-the-art online mentor program. Sony IPAX recently offered an innovative online mentorship program utilizing Animation Mentor's unique online training technology. The three-month long mentorship program paired Sony Pictures Imageworks and Sony Pictures Animation professionals with student apprentices selected from the 18 current IPAX member schools for individualized online mentoring, training and guidance.

Animation Mentor's innovative mentor/apprentice teaching model and online learning platform enabled Sony mentors to work with students on developing their skills and techniques. Tools included live video conference question and answer sessions with mentors, video guest lectures with industry experts, and eCritiques®, where mentors provided video commentary while drawing directly from the students' work to illustrate their concepts. Congratulations to all students!

For those who want to learn more about animation, check out our free webinar replay on good planning and workflow! Wayne Gilbert and Keith Sintay, the two authors from the ebook Animation Tips & Tricks Volume II, share their professional knowledge and personal tips and answer questions from the audience.