Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students themselves.  We let students create whatever they want – revealing themselves by sharing video, text, and anything else they feel is appropriate.  If you are currently an Animation Mentor student and you’d like to participate in this, send an email to newsletter (at) and we’ll do our best to fit you in!

Iestyn Roberts - Class 5, Beginning Short Film

What inspired you to learn animation?
I think just like everyone else - I really enjoyed coming downstairs on Saturday mornings, switching on the TV and watching Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, GI Joe - that sort of thing. But what really made it for me was sitting in front of my TV one Christmas Day, and on came Wallace and Grommit – A Grand Day Out. I was hooked! I’d never seen anything like it before! I was so impressed by it, then later on I grabbed my Dad’s camcorder, grabbed all of my toys and made a really short film with my teddies. Nothing much happened but it was a really big step for me. After doing this, I quickly made about 8 more and decided that animation was for me. Unfortunately, my Dad's camcorder didn’t have the 'shoot one frame' option, so it was impossible for me to do anything that would make sense! But I've always loved Art ever since I can remember, and I came 3rd throughout Wales in creating an advert for SWALEC (Wales Gas Board) based on the Creature Comforts theme.

In High School I studied Art, Computers and Physics and then I moved on to College to Study Fine Art.

From there I got myself a job working for the local Council, as an IT Technician in the Civil Engineering Department.  My job was to design new car parks, footways, and the occasional road here and there. This is where I really learned about 3D, as I was using their AutoCAD software to help design these things.  I started playing with it in my spare time, and managed to create a nice looking model out of simple geometry. I quickly began scanning the Internet for more information on 3D modeling, as I could see myself really enjoying it. By doing so I came across Tyson Ibele’s website and saw his amazing animations that were done in 3D!! That was it for me! Combining these two mediums was just incredible! I quickly emailed him, asking for some advice, and he pointed me in the right direction. From there, I spent a lot of time trying to learn some of the 3D software that I got free with some magazines, until I eventually settled in with Maya. I then started to do some tests and entered some competitions on various forums, but I quickly learned that there were a lot of things to be learned. So I began my hunt to find the perfect learning place - and here I am!

What keeps you inspired everyday?
I really enjoy going outdoors as much as I can. Because North Wales has so much to offer, I find myself going out for some mountain walks, mountain biking, running, anything really! I’ve recently started looking into Kite Surfing (thanks Bobby!) and it’s something that I’d really like to get into a lot more. I’m a massive fan of landscape photography. Whenever I go out, I tend to bring my camera out with me.

But, just cruising around the Animation Mentor campus is sometimes more than enough to want to make me go back into Maya and animate like crazy! I find that reading blogs is a massive inspiration, and seeing fellow classmates getting into their dream jobs is too. You just have to keep your head high, and look forward to the possibilities at the end!

What would be your ultimate dream job?
I don’t have a dream job as such - working anywhere within the animation industry to me would be a dream. The opportunity to travel the world doing what you love doing is just amazing. To be in a room full of like-minded people, all into each other’s work, learning from each other every day - and have the creative freedom to make a little bit of animation that you’ll be so proud of. You just don’t get that with any other jobs, and I can’t wait to start sending my reel out to people!

But in saying that, I’ve always dreamt about working for WETA in New Zealand ever since I saw LOTR. I’m also a massive fan of Blue Sky Studios’ work, if I ever get the opportunity to work for either company, I’d be a very happy man.

How has your experience at Animation Mentor been so far?

Without a doubt, Animation Mentor has been the best decision of my life - and it almost didn’t happen! I was just about to apply to a place in London to just learn Maya! I came across a fellow Welshman called Kevan Shorey on one of these networking sites, and he strongly advised that I check out Animation Mentor if I was interested in becoming an animator! And how right was he!!

Everything here at Animation Mentor is incredible. The campus is incredibly friendly and everyone is so supportive of each other’s work. You learn so much just from looking at each other’s work, and lectures are so jammed packed with information. (I’ve got 5 sketchbooks full of notes so far!) The mentors do everything they can to make the learning experience more fun and enjoyable, and so far none of the lectures have been remotely boring!

The tools the school pumps out are incredible! I think the eCritique tool is one of the best things that I’ve seen! To get a top mentor to draw over your own animation, and to actually see exactly where you’re going wrong is an incredible feature!

There’s no doubt that if I had chosen another path I’d still really be struggling today. So I am really happy that I listened to Kevan - thanks Kev! 

What's one of the most important and/or interesting lessons you've learned while at Animation Mentor?

I think, for me, planning your shot is the most important thing I’ve learned so far.  I’ve also learned to not be camera shy, and just go for it when filming my video reference. When you watch the video, you’ll see loads of things in there that you would have missed if you were to animate straight from your head.

Another thing I’ve learned about is arcs in your animation - arcs are huge! They will really make your animation feel much better if you add them in there are much as you can!

Who is your favorite animator?
I am a huge fan of Tyson Ibele since he’s the one that got me back into thinking about animation.  I always follow his work, and I really enjoy watching his stuff whenever he pumps something new out.

I’m not that familiar with other individual’s work, except for Nick Park’s early stuff, which was truly inspiring for me.

What is your favorite animated/CG scene of all time?
I don’t think I can pick just a scene I’m afraid, but my favorite animated films are The Iron Giant, Spirited Away, The Wallace and Grommit Films, Finding Nemo, Jungle Book, Howl’s Moving Castle, and The Incredibles.

Anything else you want to say to your fellow and prospective students of Animation Mentor?

I hope I get the opportunity to work with my fellow classmates sometime in the near future, you guys and gals rock! Thanks for all the support so far! And for those of you who are thinking of joining Animation Mentor, I’ve got just three words for you – Believe the hype!