Animation Mentor is putting the student highlight back into the hands of the students.  We let students create whatever they want – revealing themselves by sharing video, text, and anything else they feel is appropriate.  If you are currently an Animation Mentor student and you’d like to participate, send an email to newsletter (at) and we’ll do our best to fit you in!

Chris Waltner- Class 6 - Short Film Production

Hey everyone!!  Thanks for taking the time to get to know me!  I hope these videos are both entertaining and informative.  Most importantly, I hope they give you a little insight into who I am and what I'm passionate about.

Animation Mentor is an awesome place to learn animation.  I am so blessed to be a part of such an incredible community full of talented artists. Keep watching to learn about some of my other interests:


I have had some pretty crazy hobbies. Some others include: disc jockeying, pen and book spinning, stamp collecting and many more.  I find these things a great way to get away from the computer, stay creative, and get recharged.



Thanks again for taking the time to check this out!  I had a lot of fun making these videos and I hope you enjoyed watching them. If you are interested in joining the Animation Mentor family, feel free to contact me at: with any questions! Also, stay up to date with my latest work on my blog: HAPPY ANIMATING!!